Conference interpreter, M.A.
German & ENGLISH

After receiving my Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting in the Northern England, I went straight into the freelance UK interpreting market.

Additionally, I taught the Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting at the University of Central Lancashire during the 2012-2013 academic year, while practicing as an interpreter.

As an interpreter, travelling is part of the job description, while also being personal passion of mine, in order to expand my horizon, explore new cultures and learn new languages.

I am also very interested in all things consumer electronics (smartphones, tablets, laptops and everything in-between!) and have a certificate in online marketing. You can find some more of our specialties here.

For any further information or a free quote for your conference, please do not hesitate to contact me either via at e-mail or call me directly on +49 176 3244 8041.


Interpreting sample

You would like to get an feel for what it is like to hear me interpret?

Then check out this German language sample of an interview on German TV, at the ZDF's "Aktuelle Sportstudio". This gives you good impression of my voice while interpreting (from English into German).

For another interpreting sample, you can can also take a look at the Smart Carsino game show via this Facebook link (from English into German).

Heidar Logi über die Faszination seiner Sportart - und auch über seine schwierige Jugend, die von ADHS und Alkohol geprägt war. Mehr auf


The world’s biggest
Interpreting Podcast -
The Troublesome Terps

Caught the interpreting bug? Then listen to our fun-tastic Podcast by Alexander DrechselJonathan Downie, Sarah Hickey and myself. The podcast ran a full six years from 2016 to 2022. Below you will find the final episode linked directly to listen to, but you can check out all the other 69 previous episodes or find out more about the #TroublesomeTerps here.

You might also be interested in a live webinar the Troublesome Terps hosted for the Ukrainian Translation Industry Conference in late 2017 on the controversial topic of machine interpreting, or our live panel episode on “Starting Out As An Interpreter”.

Take a look!

In this webinar, seasoned conference interpreters Jonathan Downie, Alexander Drechsel and Alexander Gansmeier tackle the controversial topic of Machine Interpreting. Revisiting the subject of their very first episode, the "Troublesome Terps" will fulfill their brief to cover the topics that keep interpreters up at night.


Professional Associations

Professional networks, lifelong learning and an active community are not only personally enriching, but also crucial for long-term professional success. For this reason, I am both - a member of the most important professional interpreting associations, as well as a board member in various professional bodies, actively shaping the future of our profession. 


AIIC - the Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence - is the largest and most renowned professional association for conference interpreters in the world, ensuring top notch quality with a very thorough membership vetting scheme and their industry standard setting code of conduct. 

As a global organization, AIIC provides access to a wide network of highly qualified conference interpreters, not just in Germany or Europe, but globally.

Since the regional meeting of AIIC Germany, I have also occupied the position of Technical Officer, keeping an eye on all technical developments in the interpreting space, from remote interpreting platforms to tools aiding with preparation or the evolution of machine interpreting.


The Verband der Konferenzdolmetscher* (German Association of Conference Interpreters*) is Germany's largest professional association and a political lobbying group for high quality conference interpreters. 

From January 2014 to January 2020 I was Head of the Secretariat as well as a Member of the Board. Besides the daily operations and various board-related duties, I also ran the VKD's social media accounts and co-organized the annual general meetings with more than 200 attendees each year. 

*conference interpreting chapter of the BDÜ, the Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators


Interpreting Network

Since birds of a feather often flock together, we made it easier for you to find the right interpreters for you by organizing in a bonafide interpreting network.

Conference Interpreters Munich

Awaiting you in the heart of the Bavarian homeland are my fantastic colleague Nora Angleys and myself as “Conference Interpreters Munich”. As a tried-and-tested team, we are happy to consult you on any and all issues and questions realting to organizing your multilingual event with interpreters. On our website you will find a lot of additional information, ranging from references, to our detailed services and in-depth profiles.

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

Conference Interpreters Germany

With our “Conference Interpreters Germany” network we are covering the entire country, from North to South and East to West. Whether you have an event in beautiful Hamburg, hip Berlin, the busy metropolitan region of Cologne/Bonn/Düsseldorf or in Bavaria’s global capital Munich, we’ve got you covered.

By clicking on our website, you can see our team in its entirety, with direct links to the individual branches. Of course, if you would like to send an email to all of us, feel free to contact the network directly at